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5 Tips for Dealing with Divorce Stress


If you are in the middle of a divorce, the chances are that you have had to deal with stress at some point. The time and energy it can take to negotiate with your spouse, keep it together in front of your kids, and balance new financial obligations, can be overwhelming. Too much stress can have negative effects on your health, which is why today we are going to go over ways to manage stress while getting divorced.

Eat a nutritious, balanced diet

Food provides your body with adequate nutrition to function daily. Ensuring that you are eating well balanced meals three times a day not only fuels your body, but also helps regulate your emotions. It is common for an individual to either gain or lose weight during a divorce, which is not healthy. While it may seem difficult to eat, especially if you are mending a broken heart, this is exactly what you should be doing to keep your physical, mental, and emotional health in the right place.

Aim to eat whole foods, which have been scientifically proven to elevate your mood and regulate your blood sugar.

Exercise, but do not overdo it

When you exercise, you release endorphins which are essentially chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, exercise is a great way to get your body moving and boost your mood. Try to avoid exercising excessively or doing a high amount of cardio when you are feeling overwhelmed. Too much exercise when you are stressed can do more harm than good to the body.

Additionally, there are plenty of exercise groups you can join to meet new people. While it is not necessarily a good idea to jump into a romantic relationship during a divorce, you can make new friends. Expanding your social circle outside of your ex-spouse and their friends is a smart move that will help you feel better in the long run. It is important to establish your own hobbies and friends.

Speak with a licensed therapist

Sometimes it is best to seek out therapy when you are going through a tough time. While your friends and family members want to support you during your divorce, there are moments where they may not know what to say or cannot offer the time and attention you might want. A professional, licensed therapist can provide you with a safe space to express yourself and your concerns about your divorce. Some health insurance companies cover therapy as well, so see if this is an option for you.

Do not forget about the importance of sleep

You are in the process of a transition experiencing a heightened sense of emotions, which means you will need more sleep to recover. Adequate sleep can help improve your mood, memory, and creativity, clearing your head so you can be more present for what you enjoy most in life. Your children and loved ones will appreciate this, so take the extra time to get some quality sleep in as often as possible.

It should be noted that sleeping too much make be an indicator of depression, so be wary of this and speak with a licensed therapist if you find yourself more tired than usual.

Let go of problems beyond your control

Stay focused on aspects of your divorce that you have control over. You will not be able to determine the exact date your divorce will be finalized or whether your spouse will take you to court, so spend your time focusing on other things. Additionally, if your spouse seems committed to misunderstanding you and starting arguments, avoid the need to retaliate. Let go of the need to fight back and see how that makes you feel.

If you need assistance navigating your divorce, contact our office online or call us at (210) 702-2203 to learn more about our services.


  • Divorce

The post 5 Tips for Dealing with Divorce Stress appeared first on The Law Office of Derek S. Ritchie.
